
Hello little people!
This site will be used as part of the regular course. Therefore, this will form part of your final grade. The percentage of each activity will vary according to the number of activities per unit. Nevertheless, all the activities of the unit will have the same weight of your grade per unit.
The activities developed here will be 60% of your final grade. The other 40 % will be graded during the presencial course and the requirements and task regarding it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Comparing Invitations...

Look at the following images and answer the questions according to the invitations. Answer them in a new post. Check the answers of your classmates.

1.- What is the invitation for? What's going to be the event?

2.-  Who is sending the invitation?

3.- When is it going to be the event?

4.- Where is it going to be?

5.- What time is it going to be?

6.- Is there any special requirement to attend the event?

7.- What do they mean by RSVP? and "regrets"?

8.- Which kind of invitation do you think this is, formal or informal? Why?

Invitations- Brainstorm

Think about the invitations that you have sent and the invitations that you have received and answer these questions taking into consideration your personal experience. Discuss with your partners your answers.

1.- In which occasions do you send invitations?

2.- What are they for?

3.-Do you think there are differetn kinds of invitations? What kind of invitations do you know?

4.- What do you think are the differences between a formal invitation and an informal invitation?

5.- In which cases would you use a formal invitation?

6.- In which cases would you use an informal invitation?

Introduction Unit 7

Imagine that your birthday is coming  in few days and you want to celebrate with your friends.If you were to write an invitation to send it to your guests.... What would you include in your invitation? Try to mention all the important things to be included. Reply this post with your answers.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Imagine that you are working for a famous teenager's magazine as a designer. Your mission is to think of a common problem that affects teenagers directly. Design a poster in which you give advice to teenagers in order to face the problem stated. Please, design your poster and submit it as an image. Comment on your classmates' posters.


What is Bullying?

Bullying involves physical, verbal and psychological attacks. It is when someone intimidates a "victim" who cannot defend himself or herself, usually because of size or strength.
Bullying has different forms: hitting, kicking, using nicknames, saying or writting bad things about others, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, and taking or damaging their things.

Answer the following exercise and check your answers.


Read the following text and then answer the questions according to the reading.

Truancy is a bug problem in many schools in the USA. It is when stundents skip school without an excuse, and often without their parents knowledge. Truancy has a serious effect on students' education and future.

Facts and figures
  • Approximately 3,500 students in Pittsburgh are absent each day, and about seventy percent of these absences are unexcused.
  • There are approximately 4,000 unexcused absences every day in Milwaukee.
  • An average of 62,000 students are absent each day across the Los Angeles Unified School District. Only half return to school with written excuses.
The effects of truancy are enormous. When students do not go to school it can often lead to:
  • Decreased learning abillity. Students do not get the knowledge they need to pass exams.
  • Involvement in crime, such as vandalism.
  • Involvement in gangs.
  •  Failing classes.
  • Risk of not obtaining a higher education.
  • A need for extra classes or help to catch up.
It is essential that students go to school. There may be a reason why a child is playing truant. Maybe he or she is being bullied or discriminated against? Schools and parents need to be aware of any problems and provide support when necessary. 


1.- What do you consider to be the most serious effect of truancy?

2.-What conclusions does the report make?

3.- Do you think this is a common problem in your school? Why/ why not?


Read the following questions and try to answer them without looking for information. Post your answers below and have a discussion with your classmates.

1.What do you think a poster is?

2.What are posters used for?

3.What are the main parts of a good poster?

4. Where can you find posters?