
Hello little people!
This site will be used as part of the regular course. Therefore, this will form part of your final grade. The percentage of each activity will vary according to the number of activities per unit. Nevertheless, all the activities of the unit will have the same weight of your grade per unit.
The activities developed here will be 60% of your final grade. The other 40 % will be graded during the presencial course and the requirements and task regarding it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

To sir with love / al maestro con cariño


Chicos y chicas de 6a,  para los siguientes honores , a la maestra Rita y a mi, nos gustaría que cantaran ésta . Falta muy poco tiempo, como se podrán dar cuenta. Por eso, nos hemos dado a la tarea de dejarles aquí la canción con la letra en el vìdeo pudioara que por su cuenta comiencen a estudiar.

Por favor échenle muchas ganas, sabemos que podemos confiar en ustedes y que haràn su mejor esfuerzo :)

Asì que échenle peligro a la canción!!!!



Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hackschooling-TED talk

Hello buddies!! 
I'm leaving you here an interesting and inspiring video of a young boy under a peculiar and autonomous educational system.  I hope you enjoy it and make you think of learning alternatively.

Ps. You can try using Spanish subtitles if you find difficult to understand it :) 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spelling Bee!

Hi guys! I hope you're already studying for the Spelling bee contest :) I swear you're going to play an excellent role.

In order to practice, i'm posting here a song to practice the ABC and some interesting games for you. 

1. ABC slow song.

2. Vowels practice (A,E, I, O, U)

3. Spelling Bee ( I recommend you to start with the lowest levels and then you can move forward)

Good luck my little and beloved winners :)