
Hello little people!
This site will be used as part of the regular course. Therefore, this will form part of your final grade. The percentage of each activity will vary according to the number of activities per unit. Nevertheless, all the activities of the unit will have the same weight of your grade per unit.
The activities developed here will be 60% of your final grade. The other 40 % will be graded during the presencial course and the requirements and task regarding it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Can you guess what WE are???

1.-The following text is disordered.Read the paragraphs and try to put them in the correct order by ordering the letters in your comment. 

2.-In a new comment discuss your answer with your partners what you and they consider to be the correct order.

A)             But THIS can be a dirty job. WE have to clean exhibit areas. Many of US work outside in rain, heat, and all sorts of other weather. WE sometimes carry heavy containers of food. And because animals eat every day, most of US work on weekends and holidays. Zoo work can also be dangerous. Wild animals can bite, kick, scratch, or spread disease. WE almost never pet the animals.   

 B)            Many people like animals, but taking care of them is hard work. WE take care of wild animals in zoos and animal parks. WE feed the animals, clean their living spaces, and work to keep them healthy. WE watch the animals to see if they are sick or hurt. WE need to watch and listen carefully to notice any changes in behavior. WE write detailed notes about each animal and tell a veterinarian if there is a problem.                      
C)             Teaching people about animals is another of OUR tasks. WE answer people's questions and give presentations. People who like animals often like working with them. WE like getting to know the animals. WE also like helping with research. And WE like learning how to help endangered animals in the wild.

D)             Some of US give the animals objects to play with and explore. Many animals like playing with logs, sandboxes, and even water sprinklers. WE often hide food for the animals to find. Playing with food and toys helps animals stay active.Sometimes, WE train the animals to make caring for them easier. For example, WE train elephants to lift their feet so that veterinarians can check them.

3.-After Reading the text please try to discover what's the profession described on the exercise. Post your answer as a comment and discuss with your classmates.

4.- Make a drawing in which you portray the profession described above and upload it. Comment on your classmates' work.

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